When: March 14th, 2023, 18:15-20:00
Where: Kino in der Reitschule, Neubrückstrasse 8, 3012 Bern
The event “FUCK BODY POLITICS” is part of the public lecture series “Reproductive Justice” and is organized by the mLAB and the Social and Cultural Geography Group of the Department of Geography in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies.
It is a great privilege to think first of pleasure and self-determination when it comes to your own body. This also includes the freedom to make free decisions about one’s own reproduction. Oftentimes, the way to yourself and to self-determined decisions about yourself is more of a struggle. Especially for people who grow up as women, who identify as trans, inter, queer, non-binary or are racially marked and who grow up with derogatory, negating or openly threatening images and terms. (Self-)representation and visibility are therefore crucial on the way to reproductive justice. The short film program explores the question of how bodies are part of subjective history(s) and can become political actors.
The program is compiled and presented by Alex Gerbaulet*. The following short films will be shown:
Cristina Perincioli | BRD 1971 | 37 mins I Trailer
Four women work in a supermarket and decide to go on strike when they find out they are earning less than their male colleague for the same job. But first, the women have to sort out their interpersonal problems among themselves before they can take action against their boss together.
Claire Hooper | UK 2012 | 36 mins
ERIS explores the strength and chronicles the experiences of Danielle Marie Shillingford, a woman who has lost custody of her children and is struggling to regain it. The film blurs the lines between Danielle and her godlike alter ego Eris, the goddess of strife and discord.
Vika Kirchenbauer | D 2012 | 25 mins I Trailer
An image and sound collage that, in the form of an autobiographical film, investigates the social conditions under which “coherent biographies” emerge. Based on two psychiatric reports on trans identity and own texts, the film interweaves different perspectives on life.
*Alex Gerbaulet is a Berlin based filmmaker, producer and film educator. Since 2014 she is part of the production platform pong film in Berlin. Her artistic works oscillate between documentary style and essay, activist impulses and fictionalized reflection. Among other things, they examine the representability of reality and memory. Her films, some of which have won multiple awards, include SHIFT (2015), THE SLEEPER (2018), as well as DEPTH OF FIELD (2017) and SUN UNDER GROUND (2022), both made together with Mareike Bernien. She has many years of teaching experience in Germany and abroad and is a recurrent curator and jury member for film festivals. In 2020-21 she was a fellow in the Berlin Artistic Research Grant Programme/gkfd. 2022-23, she was visiting professor for film at the Art University in Kassel, 2023 she is co-director of the professional media master class of the Werkleitz society in Halle, Germany.