Public lecture series spring 2024
Wednesday, 18:15-19:45
Organization: Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (IZFG) and Institute of Geography (GIUB) & mLAB in cooperation with art of intervention
The public lecture series “Gendered Spaces” explores the question of the spaces in which art and science are produced, made accessible and experienced. Which spaces appear as such and which remain invisible? What role does the category of gender play in this? And which other categories come into play in an intersectional analysis? But also: How is a gender order created, irritated or even transformed by spaces? In particular, this involves the in/visibility of different social groups, the in/accessibility, the identity-forming characteristics and the transformation/use of spaces. The aspects of production and reception are equally important in this context. In collaboration with various actors from art and science, scientific spaces, public spaces, stage spaces, transitory and alienated spaces as well as digital spaces are jointly explored, questioned and analyzed.
Uni Alhambra, Maulbeerstrasse 3, Hörsaal 001
Pascale Altenburger Tänzerin, Antirassismus-Aktivistin | Carolin Schurr Professorin für Sozial- und Kulturgeographie | Len Schaller Kunstmuseum Basel | Mirko Winkel mLAB, Geographisches Institut | Andrea Zimmermann IZFG, art of intervention
Moderation: Monika Hofmann IZFG
Kino in der Reitschule
Hilda Paredes Komponistin | Shirley Apthorp Musikjournalistin, Gründerin des Kompositionsteams Umculo
Moderation: Lena van der Hoven Professorin für Musiktheater | Luis Velasco-Pufleau Musikwissenschaftler
Start: 18:30 Uhr
Anmeldung: conference.musictheatre.musik@unibe.ch
Kooperation mit Reihe „Musiktheater – Macht – Gesellschaft“
Stadttheater Mansarde, Kornhausplatz 20
Living Smile Vidya Performance-Künstler*in
Moderation: Andrea Zimmermann IZFG, art of intervention
Uni Muesmatt, Bühlstrasse 26, A224
Aaiún Nin Autorin, Aktivistin, ICORN-Stipendiatin in Bern
Moderation: Tina Büchler Senior Researcher am IZFG
Treffpunkt: Universität Hauptgebäude, Hochschulstrasse 4
Sarah Droz und Tobias Sonderegger Vorstandsmitglieder des Vereins „Lares“ für gender- und alltagsgerechtes Planen und Bauen, Mitarbeitende bei Metron | Nadine Heller Leiterin des Bereichs „Gestaltung und Nutzung“, Tiefbauamt der Stadt Bern
Uni Engehalde, Engehaldenstrasse 8, Hörsaal 001
Claude Amsler Researcher am IZFG/DH | Elisabeth Militz Ass.-Prof. für Soziale und Digitale Geographien, Universität Innsbruck
Moderation: Mirko Winkel mLAB, Geographisches Institut
Uni Hauptgebäude, Hochschulstr. 4, Aula: Hörsaal 210
Izabel Barros Doktorandin an der Universität Lausanne | Bettina Stehli Doktorandin am IZFG
Moderation: Patricia Purtschert Professorin für Geschlechterforschung und Co-Leitung IZFG